Josh Cornelissen

Associate Pastor

Josh has been married to his amazing wife Deborah since 2013, and they have two energetic young boys, Caleb and Micah. As a family, they love going on walks and hikes, Family Movie Night and hosting people in their home.

Josh is passionate about the Church and fostering Gospel Community, where every member is known and meeting one another’s needs. He also loves teaching and is most comfortable in front of a whiteboard with a marker in his hand. He is a major nerd and loves writing and reading Fantasy novels, Star Wars, basketball and board games – in fact, he owns over 75 and would love to have you over to play one sometime.

Josh has degrees from Columbia International University (CIU), the Zwemer Institute for Muslim Studies and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and he is working his dream job as a Pastor of Heatherwood Baptist Church.

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